DED Consulting –
Already before the initiation
until after production!

Where competitors like to stop, we are just getting started! The knowledge, experience and expertise we have gained in numerous industries, applications and functions represent a competitive advantage that we make available to you not only through our own production. We are also happy to provide you with competent advice on the application of technology in your company! A great advantage lies in the possibility of mapping partial tasks in our company and re-transferring them to your environment. Of course, this works ideally if you use similar system technology to ours.

We can therefore provide you with optimum advice in all phases – from initial considerations as to whether the technology appears generally suitable, through planning, implementation and evaluation of spot tests, qualification work, prototypes, 0-series, production and evaluation and recommendations based on feedback from use.

Feel free to contact us!

Advice and support in the application of the DED procedure throughout the entire project life cycle.